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(a) 董事会由七(7)人组成(不包括替代董事);但是,公司可以不时通过普通决议,增加或减少董事人数的数量。

(b) 每位董事均应任职至其任期届满及其接替者已被选出和符合资格要求。董事会设一名董事长(以下称“董事长”),由当时在职的三分之二(2/3)董事推选和委任;该比例构成绝对多数。在任何时候罢免董事长时也需要该绝对多数。董事还可以推选一名联席董事长或副董事长(以下称“联席董事长”)。董事长应主持董事会的每次会议。董事长未出席董事会会议的,由联席董事长主持会议,如果联席董事长也未出席会议,参加会议的董事可以推选一名董事主持会议。董事长在应由董事会决定的事项上的表决权与其他董事相同。在遵守本章程和《公司法》规定的前提下,公司可以通过普通决议推选任何人担任董事,以填补董事会席位的临时空缺或增补入现有的董事会。董事可以通过参加董事会会议和在董事会会议上表决的剩余董事简单多数赞成票委任任何人担任董事,或者如果仅剩下一名董事,该股东有权不时和在任何时候委任任何人担任董事,以填补董事会席位的临时空缺或增补入现有的董事会,前提是应遵守纽约证券交易所(若公司的美国存托股份还在纽约证券交易所交易)的相关公司治理规则要求公司遵守董事提名程序。

(c) 任何董事可以在任期届满前的任何时候依据特别决议被免职,不管该董事与公司是否有任何协议(但是不影响该等协议下的任何损害索赔)。

(d) 董事会的席位因任何董事被免职而出现空缺的,在该董事被免职的会议上应通过普通决议方式推选或委任一名董事填补该空缺,或者在经合法召集和组成的董事会会议上,由出席会议和拥有表决权的剩余董事经过半数赞成票表决,推选或委任一名董事填补该空缺。不管本章程是否有任何相悖的规定,依照相关条款有权指定任何个人被推选为董事的任何人有权在相关条款款规定的期间内,将担任该职务的任何董事免职,以及填补因担任该职务的任何董事死亡、丧失行为能力、退休、辞职或被免职而出现的空缺。任何时候因依照相关条款指定的任何董事死亡、丧失行为能力、退休、辞职或被免职而使董事会席位出现任何空缺的,仍应依照相关条款规定的同样方式,填补该董事席位出现的空缺。



Board of director

(a) The Board shall consist of not less than seven (7) Directors (exclusive of alternate Directors), provided that the Company may from time to time by Ordinary Resolution increase or decrease the number of Directors on the Board.

(b) Each Director shall hold office until the expiration of his term and until his successor shall have been elected and qualified. The Board of Directors shall have a Chairman of the Board of Directors (the “Chairman”) elected and appointed by two-thirds (2/3) of the Directors then in office, which constitutes a super majority; a similar super majority is also required to remove the Chairman at any time. The Directors may also elect a Co-Chairman or a Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors (the “Co-Chairman”). The Chairman shall preside as chairman at every meeting of the Board of Directors. To the extent the Chairman is not present at a meeting of the Board of Directors, the Co-Chairman, or in his absence, the attending Directors may choose one Director to be the chairman of the meeting. The Chairman’s voting right as to the matters to be decided by the Board of Directors shall be the same as other Directors. Subject to these Articles and the Companies Law, the Company may by Ordinary Resolution elect any person to be a Director either to fill a casual vacancy on the Board or as an addition to the existing Board. The Directors by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the remaining Directors present and voting at a Board meeting, or the sole remaining Director, shall have the power from time to time and at any time to appoint any person as a Director to fill a casual vacancy on the Board or as an addition to the existing Board, subject to the Company’s compliance with director nomination procedures required under applicable New York Stock Exchange corporate governance rules, as long as the Company’s American Depositary Shares are trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

(c) A Director may be removed from office by Special Resolution at any time before the expiration of his term notwithstanding any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under such agreement).

(d) A vacancy on the Board created by the removal of a Director may be filled by the election or appointment by Ordinary Resolution at the meeting at which such Director is removed or by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the remaining Directors present and voting at a duly called and constituted Board meeting. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Articles, any persons entitled to designate any individual to be elected as a director of the Board pursuant to the Applicable Provision above shall have the right to remove any such director occupying such position and to fill any vacancy caused by the death, disability, retirement, resignation or removal of any director occupying such position during the periods specified in Applicable Provision. If a vacancy is created on the Board at any time by the death, disability, retirement, resignation or removal of any director designated pursuant to the above Applicable Provision, the replacement to fill such vacancy shall be designated in the same manner, in accordance with this Applicable Provision, as the director whose seat was vacated.

The Board may, from time to time, and except as required by applicable law or the listing rules of the recognized stock exchange or automated quotation system where the Company’s securities are traded, adopt, institute, amend, modify or revoke the corporate governance policies or initiatives, which shall be intended to set forth the policies of the Company and the Board on various corporate governance related matters as the Board shall determine by resolution from time to time.

A Director shall not be required to hold any shares in the Company by way of qualification. A Director who is not a Member of the Company shall nevertheless be entitled to receive notice of and to attend and speak at general meetings of the Company and all classes of shares of the Company. 




2 董事会由9名董事组成,其中独立董事不少于5名。

3 董事会行使下列职权:

(一) 召集股东大会,并向股东大会报告工作;

(二) 执行股东大会的决议;

(三) 决定公司的经营计划和投资方案;

(四) 制订公司的年度财务预算方案和决算方案;

(五) 制订公司的利润分配方案和弥补亏损方案;

(六) 制订公司增加或者减少注册资本、发行债券的方案;

(七) 制订公司合并、分立、解散及变更公司形式的方案;


(九)决定公司非经营业务中资产购置、资产处置、资产抵押金 额在人民币3000万元(含)以上,5000万元(不含)以下的事项;


(十一)根据中国银行业监督管理委员会的规定,审议批准公司 重大关联交易;


(十三)聘任或者解聘公司总裁、董事会秘书;根据总裁的提名, 聘任或者解聘公司副总裁、财务负责人等高级管理人员,并决定其报 酬事项和奖惩事项;





(十八)法律、行政法规、规章、本章程规定或经股东大会决议 授予的其他职权。

4 董事会制定董事会议事规则,以确保董事会落实股 东大会决议,提高工作效率,保证科学决策。


5 董事会会议分为定期董事会会议和临时董事会会议定期董事会会议每年至少召开两次会议,定期董事会会议由董事长召集,于会议召开10日以前书面通知全体董事和监事。


(一) 代表1/10以上表决权的公司股东提议时;

(二) 董事长认为必要

(三) 1/3以上董事联名提议时;

(四) 1/2以上独立董事联名提议时;

(五) 监事会提议时;

(六) 总裁提议时。


7董事会会议采取现场会议方式的,可以采用电话、 视濒或者其他即时通讯方式为董事参加董事会会议提供便利,董事通过上述方式参加董事会会议的,视为出席现场会议,但在会议现场出席的董事需超过与会董事的半数。


9 董事会会议通知包括以下内容:


(二) 会议期限;

(三) 事由及议题;


10董事会会议应有过半数的董事出席方可举行。董事 会作出决议,必须经全体董事的过半数通过。



12 当同意票与反对票相等时,董事长有权多投一票。

13 董事会决议表决方式为记名方式投票表决

14董事会会议采取书面函询方式召开的,如果董事会已将书面议案发送给全体董事,并且签字同意的董事已达到根据本章程作出决议所需的人数,则自该等董事签字同意的书面议案送达董事 会秘书时,该议案所议内容成为董事会决议。

15 董事会会议,应由董事本人出席;董事因故不能出席,可以书面委托其他董事(代理人)代为出席,委托书中应载明代 理人的姓名、代理事项、授权范围和有效期限,并由委托人签名。








(一) 会议召开的日期、地点和召集人姓名;

(二) 出席董事的姓名以及受他人委托出席董事会的董事(代理 人)姓名;

(三) 会议议程;

(四) 董事发言要点;

(五) 每一决议事项的表决方式和结果(表决结果应载明同意、 反对或弃权的票数)。

The Board

Article 1 The Company has a Board which is accountable to the general meeting.

Article 2 The Board consists of 9 directors out of which at least 5 are independent directors.

Article 3 The Board exercises the following power:

(a) convening the general meeting and reporting on work to the general meeting;

(b) implementing the resolutions of the general meeting;

(c) determining the operation plan and investment plan of the Company;

(d) formulating the annual financial budget and final implementation plan of the Company;

(e) formulating the profit allocation plan and loss compensation plan of the Company;

(f) formulating plans of the Company to increase or reduce its registered capital and issue bonds;

(g) formulating plans of Company to split, merge, dissolve and change corporate form;

(h) determining plans relating to the asset securitization of the Company;

(i) determining matters on asset acquisition, disposal and mortgage with a value no less than RMB30 million (including) and no more than RMB50 million (not including) in respect of non-operational business;

(j) determining the assets writing-off of the Company;

(k) considering and approving material related transactions of the Company pursuant to the regulations of CBRC;

(l) determining the set-up of internal management mechanisms of the Company;

(m) appointment or dismissal of the Company president, the Secretary; appointment and dismissal of the vice-president, head of finance and other executive of the Company as per the nomination of the president, and decision on their remuneration and awards;

(n) formulating the basic management system of the Company;

(o) formulating the amendment proposal for these Articles;

(p) determining the appointment or replacement of the accounting firm conducting audit for the Company;

(q) listening to the report on work by the president of the Company and checking its work; and

(r) other power regulated by laws, administrative regulations, rules and these Articles or authorized by the general meeting.

Article 4 The Board shall formulate the rules for considering matters at the Board to ensure that the Board implements the resolutions of the general meeting, improves work efficiency and ensures scientific decision-making.

The rules for considering matters at the Board shall be prepared by the Board and approved by the general meeting and constitute an annex to these Articles.

Article 5 The meetings of the Board are divided into regular Board meetings and interim Board meetings. Regular Board meetings shall be held at least twice a year and convened by the Chairman who shall notify all directors and supervisors in writing 10 days before the holding of the meeting.

The Chairman shall convene an interim Board meeting in one of the following circumstances:

(a) when shareholders holding no less than 1/10 of the voting rights of the Company propose;

(b) when the Chairman determines necessary;

(c) when no less than 1/3 of the directors propose in joint names;

(d) when no less than 1/2 of the independent directors propose in joint names;

(e) when the Supervisory Board proposes;

(f) when the president proposes.

Article 6 The Board meetings can be held via live meetings or written requests.

Article 7 Where a meeting of the Board is conducted by means of a live meeting, the director may be facilitated by telephone, video or other instant communication methods to attend the meeting, and if the director attends the meeting via the above-mentioned methods, the director shall be deemed to have attended the live meeting, but the director present at the site of the meeting shall be no less than half of the directors attending the meeting.

Article 8 The notice of the Board to convene an interim Board meeting shall be sent by person, mail or facsimile 3 days prior to the holding of the interim Board meeting. In the case of an emergency that requires an interim meeting of the Board as soon as possible, the notice of the meeting may be issued at any time by telephone or other oral means, but the convener shall make a statement of the same at the meeting.

Article 9 The notice of the Board meeting shall include:

(a) Date and location of the meeting;

(b) Duration of the meeting;

(c) Subject matter and agenda;

(d) The date of the notice.

Article 10 A meeting of the Board of directors shall be held in the presence of more than half of the directors. A resolution by the Board must be adopted by more than half of all the directors.

Voting by the Board shall be based on the rules of one person one vote.

Article 11 The directors shall express one of the following opinions on the proposal submitted to the Board for voting: in favor, against or abstention. Votes that are not filled in, wrongly filled in, illegible in writing, or a failure to vote, shall all be deemed as “abstained”.

Article 12 When the “in favor” vote is equal to the objection vote, the Chairman has the right to cast an additional vote.

Article 13 The voting of the Board shall take the form of open ballot.

Article 14 Where the Board meetings shall be held in the form of written requests, if the Board has sent the written proposal to all directors and the number of directors who have signed the proposal has reached the prescribed number under these Articles, the contents of the proposal shall become the resolution of the Board when the written proposal signed by such directors is delivered to the Secretary.

Article 15 The meeting of the Board shall be attended by the director in person, and if the director is unable to attend for any reason, he or she may entrust other directors (proxy) in writing to attend the meeting on his or her behalf. The power of attorney shall state the name, subject matter, scope of authorization and period of validity and be signed by the principal.

The director attending the meeting on behalf of another director shall exercise the rights of director within the scope of the authorization.

Where the director fails to attend the Board meeting and without delegating a proxy to attend the Board meeting, the director is deemed to have surrendered its voting right for this meeting.

Article 16 The Board shall keep minutes of the resolutions of the matters considered at the meeting, and the directors present at the meeting shall sign on it.

Directors present at the meeting shall have the right to request an explanatory note in respect of its speech during the meeting to be recorded on the minutes.

The minutes of the Board meetings shall be kept for at least 30 years as the Company’s files.

Article 17 The minutes of the Board meetings shall include the following details:

(a) The date, location and name of convener of the meeting;

(b) Names of the directors attending the meeting in person and on behalf of other directors (proxies);

(c) Meeting agenda;

(d) Key points of speeches made by directors;

(e) Voting method and result of each proposed matter (the voting result shall set out the number of votes in favor, against or abstained).

